Here comes my monthly post !
As everyone, I madly enjoy sales and here I am sharing what I bought hehe
I might kill you first with food.
I went to the cutest hamburger restaurant in town, and omg it was so yummy!!!
Glad I could have some Dr. Pepper as well~
I wanted a plaid skirt for ages, and finally made my decision on this one, it's simple but cute !
And this cutie litteraly goes with everything !! ♥

I'm so manly 

I needed a new coat as well, and this one made me fall in love !!!
It's so sweet, I feel like I'm hugging a white teddy bear when I'm wearing it.
- can you guess my color of the season is white yet ? -
This coord is inspired by the japanese brand Katie and everything related to Amoyamo !~~
I felt so french with my Littlecreepygirl Eiffel Tower choker -thankx again love- and "Rue de l'amour" top !
The lace skirt is new as well~~ ♥
My hair is grey/pink because I don't even know what I'm doing anymore ._.
I leave you with this beautiful picture of the sky I took with my friend !
See you soon~~ 

Lovely ! ^^
RépondreSupprimerCette couleur de cheveux t'allait bien en tout cas :)